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We promote high expectations for attendance across the school and work supportively with families through informal face-to-face conversations, phone calls, sending letters and meetings to ensure at least expected levels of attendance (95% or more) for all of our pupils.

Parents are legally responsible for ensuring their children receive education per section 7 of the Education Act 1996 and if, on a school roll, they regularly attend school.

This means that children must:

  • arrive at school on time
  • attend regularly
  • be suitably clothed
  • and be in a condition to learn.

All children between the ages of 5 and 16 (compulsory school age) are required, by law, to attend the school at which they are registered. Legal action can be taken if it is considered that a parent or carer is not fulfilling their parental responsibility to ensure their child receives a full-time education.

Failure to ensure regular attendance may result in the matter being placed before the Magistrates’ Court under Section 444(1a) of the Education Act 1996. Penalties can include fines up to £2,500 for each parent, consideration of a parenting order, or a period of imprisonment.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 introduced penalty notices as an additional sanction to address poor school attendance. This means that for pupils with unauthorised absence from school (i.e., any absence that the school has not permitted), their parents or carers may be subject to a fine of up to £80 per parent for each child (increases to £160 if not paid within 21 days).

For more information from the Government, please visit the following website: Department of Education (DfE) Behaviour and attendance.

You must speak with the school at the earliest opportunity if you have any problems securing your child's attendance. The school and the Education Welfare Service will give you advice and support to help you fulfill your responsibility to secure improvement in your child's attendance.

Daily Absence

The government has set the persistent absence percentage at 90% and all schools/academies have to show that they have a robust system in place to track and support any attendance that falls below this level.

Teachers monitor the attendance in their class carefully and any concerns are referred directly to the Attendance Officer. If your child cannot attend school for any reason, you must contact the school on the first day of absence to inform us. Please then remain in contact daily while your child is absent from school.

Planned Absence

There may be a time when you feel that you need to request leave for your child during term time. If this is the case, please contact 01562 745558 for guidance about whether the circumstances are exceptional. You will be required to complete a Holiday Form.

Please be advised that in line with the government’s plea to parents not to take children out of school during term time, we encourage parents to book family holidays during the 13 weeks of school holidays. Headteachers may not grant leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. This means that, unless such exceptional circumstances exist, all absence for a holiday or similar reasons will be unauthorised in line with our school Attendance Policy.

Schools are no longer able to authorise any leave of absence during term time for holidays unless there are exceptional circumstances.  This could result in a Fixed Penalty fine of £60 per parent per child.  If not paid in 21 days this will rise to £120.

Tips for good Attendance

1. Talk to the school if there are any problems or worries
We can help! We can only help solve a problem if we know about it. Staying away from school because of a problem only makes matters worse. If you are struggling to get into school, please talk to us.

2. Eat healthily
A healthy diet can help keep children’s immune system strong so that they can fight general viruses.

3. Get plenty of sleep
Getting enough sleep is vital for staying fit and healthy.

4. Get lots of exercise
Keeping fit helps you to keep bugs away.

5. Make medical appointments outside of school time wherever possible
Most doctors and dentists are happy to oblige.

6. Take holidays in the school holidays
School will only authorise leave in exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised leave may result in a Penalty Notice fine being issued.

7. Pack school bags and get school uniform ready the evening before
Being organised means, you are much less likely to be late in the morning.

8. Come back to school as soon as you are feeling better after being ill
Do not miss school for minor upsets and don’t stay away longer than is really necessary.

Please find below a link to Worcestershire County Council, where you will find further information regarding school absence. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Worcestershire County Council - Absence from School.