Our School Uniform
All uniform is compulsory unless stated otherwise.
School uniform (except for ties) can be ordered from My Clothing's website
Ties are available from the school office.
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 - Years R, 1 and 2
Girl’s uniform
- White polo shirt (with school logo - optional)
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress or tailored trousers
- School sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
- Grey or White socks or tights
- Plain black shoes
In summer girls may wear the polo shirt without the sweatshirt or as an alternative; a blue checked or striped dress and white socks
Boy’s uniform
- White polo shirt (with school logo - optional)
- Grey trousers
- School sweatshirt with logo
- Grey or White socks
- Plain black shoes
In summer boys may wear the polo shirt without a sweatshirt
Key Stage 2 – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Girl’s uniform
- School V-Neck sweatshirt or school cardigan with logo
- School tie in navy and gold.
- White shirt
- Grey skirt or tailored trousers
- White or grey socks or tights
- Plain black shoes (sandals are not permitted)
In summer, girls may also wear a polo shirt without the sweatshirt or as an alternative, a blue checked or striped dress
Boy’s uniform
- School V-Neck sweatshirt with logo
- School tie in navy and gold
- White shirt
- Grey trousers
- Grey socks
- Plain black shoes
In summer, as an alternative, boys may wear a white school polo shirt.
Games and PE Uniform for all children:
- House Colour ‘T’ shirt (red – Mason, yellow – Hill, green – Plant, blue – Baxter)
Plain black or navy shorts.
- Plain black or navy jogging bottoms for when the weather is colder. Girls are permitted to wear plain navy or black leggings.
- School Jumper/ School Cardigan for outdoor games.
- Year 6 pupils can wear their leaver’s hoodies on Well-Being days throughout their final year in school.
- Black pumps or sensible dark coloured trainers.
Please ensure that if your child has hair that is long enough to be tied back that it is tied back for the whole of the school day.
Children are not permitted to wear jewellery in school. However, if your child has pierced ears, they may wear studs although they cannot be worn on PE days or for swimming.
If a child wears a watch, they may do so but any form of smart watch is not permitted and in accordance with our Online Safety policy, staff reserve the right to confiscate a smart watch for safeguarding reasons. School cannot accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to watches or any jewellery brought into school.
Please also note that make-up is not permitted including nail varnish and false nails.